
Why ref in

In the fast-paced business world, innovation has become a cornerstone of success. It’s not just about keeping up with the latest trends; it’s about setting them.

Ref.Team founders Petteri and Michael recently engaged in a thought-provoking brainstorming session about the challenges businesses face in innovation. Their discussion was sparked by their observations of how academic research teams tackle complex problems using Design Thinking. Innovation challenges are even more relevant in the industry, where companies struggle with digital transformation and competitive landscapes.

At, we have identified seven key principles to drive innovation: Reflect, Reframe, Refresh, Reformulate, Refocus, Reform, and Refacilitate. Hence the name Ref in the company name.

1. Reflect: Know Thyself

Innovation often begins with self-awareness. Businesses must reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, successes, and failures. Understanding where you stand is crucial before you embark on any innovative journey. This self-reflection allows you to identify areas ripe for innovation and determine what resources you have at your disposal.

2. Reframe: Changing Perspectives

To foster innovation, it’s essential to reframe problems and solutions. Look at challenges from different angles, question assumptions, and explore fresh perspectives. Often, the most groundbreaking innovations come from reframing the problem rather than just finding a solution to an existing one.

3. Refresh: Embrace New Ideas

Innovation thrives on novel ideas and concepts. Encourage a culture of creativity within your organization, where employees feel comfortable sharing their innovative thoughts. Promote brainstorming sessions, workshops, and cross-functional collaboration to keep the flow of fresh ideas constant.

4. Reformulate: The Power of Iteration

Innovation is an iterative process. Reformulate your ideas, strategies, and products based on feedback and real-world results. This continuous refinement is key to staying relevant and ensuring your innovations meet evolving customer needs.

5. Refocus: Sharpen Your Vision

Innovation can be a double-edged sword if not focused. Keep a clear and well-defined vision of what you want to achieve with your innovations. Align your efforts with your long-term goals, and don’t be afraid to prioritize projects most likely to drive your business forward.

6. Reform: Embrace Change

To innovate successfully, businesses must be open to change, both in terms of processes and culture. Be willing to reform outdated practices and embrace new technologies or methodologies. Cultivate an environment where change is not feared but welcomed as an opportunity for growth.

7. Refacilitate: Collaboration is Key

Innovation seldom happens in isolation. Refacilitate collaboration within and outside your organization. Partner with other businesses, engage with academic institutions and tap into the collective intelligence of diverse teams. Collaboration can lead to breakthroughs that would be impossible to achieve alone.

Innovation is not a linear process but a dynamic journey filled with twists and turns. By embracing the 7 R’s—Reflect, Reframe, Refresh, Reformulate, Refocus, Reform, and Refacilitate—you can navigate this journey successfully. Remember that innovation is not a destination but an ongoing pursuit that can propel your business to new heights. So, don’t just innovate for the sake of it; innovate with purpose and watch your business flourish in the ever-evolving market landscape.

Contact us at Ref.Team to learn more about how you can bring innovation into your business.



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